Affiliate Tools

See below for high converting launch promo emails

Launch Runs from Monday 25th August at 9:00 AM GMT - Midnight Saturday 31st August

Below you will find emails and banners you can use to promote Racing Filter Tips.

We recommend sending at least 3 promotional emails to make the best profits from this betting product.

The main offer will sell for £39 for 1 year's access. While the upsell (football tips offer) will sell for £39 also.

Affiliates earn 50% commissions on all sales.

The affiliate link you need is below. Simply change XXXXX to your Clickbank username.

Your Affiliate Link:

Link winningtip?


We have a selection of emails below. Simply paste the code into your email newsletter and replace XXXXX with your Clickbank affiliate code. Also replace NAME and YOUR NAME.

  • Email 1

  • Email 2

  • Email 3

  • Email 4

  • Email 5 - Send Friday Only

  • Email 6

  • Email 7

  • bonus Email 

Subject Lines:

63% Win Rate with this New System...

10 Minute Betting System

New Football System

Winning Bets Here...

Copy These Bets


Do you want to make money this week?

Well, I have some exciting news to share!

All you need to do is copy these high win rate tips from a proven betting system.

It only takes 10 Minutes a week to copy the bets (Seriously)

Enjoy the profits!